Manage Client’s Account: Tax Center Downloads
Unrealized Gains/Losses spreadsheet (.csv)
Select Download and follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
When you download this spreadsheet file, you get the following information:
*Note: Retirement accounts are tracked using the Average Cost method. Therefore, individual lots are not tracked and purchase date is reported as the current date on the unrealized gain/loss reports.
Realized Gains/Losses spreadsheet (.csv)
Select Download and follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
Tax Software File (.txf)
The Tax Software File (.txf) can be imported to tax return preparation software. Select Download and follow the instructions, if this is available on the site you are using.
Printable List for Tax Return (.txt)
The Printable List for Tax Return (.txt) appears directly on your screen. Simply print the list and attach it to your tax return, if this is available on the site you are using.
Tax Center Download Disclaimer
The cost basis and gain/loss information is based on trade data or information that you enter. Total realized and unrealized gains/losses do not include securities for which cost basis is unavailable. The tax tools allow you to change the cost basis of all open tax lots, however, we take no responsibility for the information you provide.
Remember that the accuracy of the calculations provided depends on the accuracy of the information you have entered. For securities purchased through this account, the calculations are based on actual trade data. While an attempt is made to provide precise data, the accuracy of all trade information is not guaranteed.
This information is for general guidance. We do not provide tax advice. Because of the complexity of tax regulations and the individual circumstances of our customers, this information may not be complete or accurate for tax-reporting purposes.
Additional Notes
Be sure to carefully compare all imported data with the information on your Form 1099(s) to ensure that all the information is correct and all activity is accounted for. In certain circumstances, the imported data may not contain all the information required by your tax return. For securities transferred to us from another firm, you may need to add or adjust cost basis information.