Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.
Get an Account
Please contact the Goldman Sachs Advisor Solutions Integrations Team at to request the most recent documentation for Create, Update & Get a Member, Firm and Account, which has significant and required changes from the information below.
This request returns the details of an account.
Request URL
Syntax | GET /restapi/accounts/{accountnumber} |
Example URL | |
Response Data Fields
Please refer to Create an Account for the format and available values for each field.
Field | Relevant Account Types | Description |
accountName | All | The name of the account. |
accountType | All | The type of account. |
defaultTaxLotSelection | All | The default tax relief method used by the account. |
accountNumber | All | The account number created by Folio REST service. |
billingPlanOid | All | A unique ID for a billing plan you got when registering your API client with Folio. |
contingentBeneficiaries | Retirement |
A list of contingent beneficiaries. Note: The last 4 digits of the social security number (SSN) or tax identification number (TIN/TID) of the member. In the rare case that there is a need for a firm to receive the full TID and such firm is permissioned by Folio to receive this data, the response to this call will return the full TID for the member. |
primaryBeneficiaries | Retirement |
A list of primary beneficiaries. Note: The last 4 digits of the social security number (SSN) or tax identification number (TIN/TID) of the member. In the rare case that there is a need for a firm to receive the full TID and such firm is permissioned by Folio to receive this data, the response to this call will return the full TID for the member. |
trustedContacts | All |
A list of trusted contacts. |
minor | Custodial |
Minor information. Note: The last 4 digits of the social security number (SSN) or tax identification number (TIN/TID) of the member. In the rare case that there is a need for a firm to receive the full TID and such firm is permissioned by Folio to receive this data, the response to this call will return the full TID for the member. |
primaryAccountOwner | All | The primary account owner username. |
jointOwners | Joint | A list of joint account owner usernames. |
initContributionDate | SIMPLE IRA | The date of the first contribution to the IRA. |
taxable | All | A Boolean indicator of whether the account is taxable. “true” or “false”. The value of this field is determined based on the account type. |
trustees | Corporate | A list of trustee usernames. The trustees must already created. |
accountRegistrationInfo | All | The complete official name of the corporate entity as it will appear on the registration for the account. |
taxClassification | Corporation or LLC firm types | Corporation and LLC account types require a taxClassification. See Tax Classification section for available codes. |
w9BackupWithholding | All | The type of backup withholding. The possible values are: “B” for subject to backup withholding on all dividends/payments and sales, “C” for subject to backup withholding on dividends/payments, or “N” or “A” for not-subject to backup withholding |
securityExclusion | All | List of security tickers to be excluded and associated start date/end date |
issueExclusion | All | List of issue codes to be excluded and associated start date/end date. Issue code definiation, 1 -- Alcohol 2 -- Genocide 3 -- Gambling 4 -- Military Weapons and Firearms 5 -- Nuclear Power 6 -- Tobacco 7 -- RICA 8 -- K-1 Securities 9 -- Factory Farming |
sectorExclusion | All | List of sector codes to be excluded and associated start date/end date. Sector code definition, 1 -- Consumer Staples 2 -- Consumer Discretionary 3 -- Retail/Wholesale 4 -- Medical 5 -- Auto/Tires/Trucks 6 -- Basic Materials 7 -- Industrial Products 8 -- Construction 9 -- Multi-Sector Conglomerates 10 -- Computer/Technology 11 -- Aerospace 12 -- Oils/Energy 13 -- Finance 14 -- Utilities 15 -- Transportation 16 -- Business Services 17 -- Unclassified |
repCode | All |
4 Digit Rep Code associated with the account. Note: If a Rep Code is not set for a given account, the field will not be returned in the API respose. |
branchCode | All |
4 Digit Branch Code associated with the account. Note: If a Branch Code is not set for a given account, the field will not be returned in the API respose. |
Response Example
Response Header
Status Code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 14:05:13 GMT
Link: <>; rel="GET"; type="text/html"; title="getFolios", <>; rel="POST"; type="application/json"; title="createFolio", <>; rel="GET"; type="application/json"; title="getPositions", <>; rel="GET"; type="application/json"; title="getOpenTaxLots", <>; rel="GET"; type="application/json"; title="getClosedTaxLots", <>; rel="GET"; type="application/json"; title="getReportedTaxLots", <>; rel="GET"; type="application/json"; title="getCash"
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Response Body
Individual Account
"accountName": "Indie Account",
"accountNumber": "RA1234ABCD",
"accountType": "I",
"billingPlanOid": "1111111111111113",
"defaultTaxLotSelection": "WLFS",
"issueExclusions" : [ {
"exclusionEndDate" : "3999-12-31T00:00:00.000-05:00",
"exclusionRemovable" : "N",
"exclusionStartDate" : "2018-09-24T10:20:45.526-04:00",
"exclusionValue" : "5"
} ],
"primaryAccountOwner" : "username",
"sectorExclusions" : [ {
"exclusionEndDate" : "3999-12-31T00:00:00.000-05:00",
"exclusionRemovable" : "N",
"exclusionStartDate" : "2018-09-24T10:20:45.526-04:00",
"exclusionValue" : "7"
} ],
"securityExclusions" : [ {
"exclusionEndDate" : "3999-12-31T00:00:00.000-05:00",
"exclusionRemovable" : "N",
"exclusionStartDate" : "2018-09-24T10:20:45.526-04:00",
"exclusionValue" : "LMT"
} ],
"trustedContacts" : [ {
"firstName" : "Chuck",
"lastName" : "Powers",
"email" : "",
"telephone" : "7032454000",
"relationship" : "O"
} ],
"taxable": true
"w9BackupWithholding" : "A",
Retirement Account
"accountName" : "IRA Account",
"accountNumber" : "RA1234ABCD",
"accountType" : "9",
"billingPlanOid" : "1111111111111113",
"defaultTaxLotSelection" : "AVGC",
"initContributionDate" : "2010-01-01T00:00:00.000-05:00",
"primaryAccountOwner" : "username",
"primaryBeneficiaries" : [ {
"SSN" : "xxxxx3123",
"citizenship" : "U",
"dateOfBirth" : "1988-12-05T00:00:00.000-05:00",
"firstName" : "firstname",
"lastName" : "lastname",
"middleName" : "",
"relationship" : "O",
"sharePct" : "50.0",
"suffix" : "",
"title" : ""
}, {
"SSN" : "xxxxx3124",
"citizenship" : "U",
"dateOfBirth" : "1978-12-05T00:00:00.000-05:00",
"firstName" : "firstname",
"lastName" : "lastname",
"middleName" : "",
"relationship" : "O",
"sharePct" : "50.0",
"suffix" : "",
"title" : ""
} ],
"taxable" : false
"w9BackupWithholding" : "A",
Joint Account
"accountName" : "Joint Account",
"accountNumber" : "RA1234ABCD",
"accountType" : "J",
"billingPlanOid" : "111111111111111113",
"defaultTaxLotSelection" : "LGHL",
"jointOwners" : [ "jointloginid" ],
"primaryAccountOwner" : "username",
"taxable" : true
"w9BackupWithholding" : "A",
Custodial Account
"accountName" : "Custodial Acct",
"accountNumber" : "RA1234ABCD",
"accountType" : "T",
"billingPlanOid" : "1111111111111113",
"defaultTaxLotSelection" : "LGHL",
"minor" : {
"ssn" : "xxxxx3123",
"citizenship" : "C",
"dateOfBirth" : "2003-01-29T00:00:00.000-05:00",
"firstName" : "John",
"lastName" : "Doe",
"middleName" : "",
"relationship" : "U",
"state" : "VA",
"suffix" : "",
"title" : ""
"primaryAccountOwner" : "username",
"taxable" : true
"w9BackupWithholding" : "A",
Corporate Account
"accountName" : "Corporate Acct",
"accountRegistrationInfo" : "Registration",
"accountNumber" : "RA1234ABCD",
"accountType" : "A",
"billingPlanOid" : "1111111111111113",
"defaultTaxLotSelection" : "LGHL",
"trustees" : [ "trusteeusername1" ],
"primaryAccountOwner" : "username",
"taxable" : true,
"taxClassification" : "C"
"w9BackupWithholding" : "A",
Change Log
- Updated documenation to incldue Branch Code and Rep Code
- Added Security Exclusion/Issue Exclusion/Sector Exclusion Fields
- Updated Request Example for Individual Account
- Added Trusted Contact
- Updated w9BackupWithholding documentation