Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Get Account Performance Summary

This request returns the performance summary for an account.

Request URL

Syntax GET /accounts/{accountnumber}/performance/summary
Example URL,2013-06-01&returntype=netfee

The returntype parameter is optional and defaults to “grossfee” (not equal to “netfee”) if not provided specified. Gross-of-fees performance ignores fees and their impact in the performance calculation, whereas net-of-fees performance takes them into consideration, thus reducing performance.

Response Data Fields

Field Description
identifierType The identifier for the level of data provided. This can be account level (“ACCOUNT”) or folio/sub-account (“FOLIO”) level data.
identifierValue The account number that identifies this account.
endMarketValue The ending market value for this date range.
moneyWeightedReturn The money weighted return (IRR) for this date range.
netFlows The net flows into/out of this account during this date range.
startMarketValue The starting market value for this date range.
timeWeightedReturn The time weighted return for this date range.

Response Example

X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Link:; rel="GET"; type="text/html"; title="getUnitValues",; rel="GET"; type="text/html"; title="getPerformanceRawData"
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 14:12:21 GMT

endMarketValue: "2025.68762"
identifierType: "ACCOUNT"
identifierValue: "RD56539009"
moneyWeightedReturn: "1.54929"
netFlows: "0.00000"
startMarketValue: "2000.26000"
timeWeightedReturn: "1.50200"

Change Log


  1. Updated Response Example

Getting Started

