Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Get a Billing Plan

This request returns the detail of a specific billing plan for a firm.

Use this call to display the details of the customer billing plan that will apply to the user opening an account, or viewing their current billing plan. You need to use the billingplanOID that identifies a billing plan, when creating an account.

Note: This call only supports Institutional firms. Attempt to get billing plans for corporate firms will receive an UNSUPPORTED error along with the firmId specified.

Also note that billing plans cannot be created by this API. In the API test environment there are billing plans available for use and testing. In production, the mutually agreed upon billing plans will be created under your firm, and available to you through the API.

Request URL

Syntax GET /restapi/firms/{firmId}/billingplans/{billingplanoid}
Example URL

Response Data Fields

Field Description
assetFees The way how clients are charged for their assets by the brokerage firm. This field will not be available in a platform billing. See Asset Fee for the details.
billingPlanId The unique identifier for the billing plan.

The type of the billing plan. The value could be:
“A” for advisory billing,
“P” for platform billing and
“B” for brokerage billing.

Note: A firm may have multiple advisory billing plans, but only 1 brokerage billing and platform billing plan.

description The description of the billing plan.

The commission component that determines the commission amount associated with certain trade types. See Commission Fee for the details.

Note: This field only applies to billingPlanType “A”.

folioFees The dollar amount assessed to the billable entity based on the number of funded folios. This field is only available for billingPlanType “P”. See Folio Fee for the details.
name The name of the billing plan.

Asset Fee Fields

Field Description
assetFeeTiers A list of asset fee tiers. Each tier defines the range of asset value, maxAssetValue and minAssetValue, that a certain number of basisPoints applies to.
maxAssetValue The maximum dollar value bound for the given tier.
minAssetValue The minimum dollar value bound for the given tier.
basisPoints The basis point rate to be applied to assets within the tier range.
billingMode The mode used for calculating fees.
“A” – In arrears, in which the average daily balance of the previous period is used as the billing basis;
“F” – In advance, in which the closing value of the previous period is used as the billing basis for calculation of the fees for the coming period.
billingPeriodType The unit of the billing period. Together with billingPeriodValue field, it describes how often clients will be charged for assets. “M” for month, and “D” for day.
billingPeriodValue The value of the billing period.
When the billingPeriodType is “M”, the billingPeriodValue will be 1, 3 or 12 indicating the number of months between billing.
When the billingPeriodType is “D”, the billingPeriodValue could be 30 or 60.
flatFee The amount of asset fee clients should pay, if the asset value is less than the minAssetValue of the lowest tier.
tierType An indicator of how the asset fee tiers will be applied to the asset fee calculation.
“M” for tiered (where each tier is billing according to the tier’s rate), and
“S” for tapered (where the entire billing basis is billed at the rate of the highest tier).

Folio Fee Fields

Field Description
folioFee The fee clients would be charged for all folios from 0 to the baseNumberOfFolios.
folioFeeDiscount The amount of Folio fee clients should actually pay for each folio, because of a discount.
additionalFolioFee The fee clients would be charged for each additional folio above the baseNumberOfFolios value.
additionalFolioFeeDiscount The fee clients would be charged for each additional folio, if a discount is available.
baseNumberOfFolios The number of folios clients can have at folioFee rate. Once the number of folios exceeds this number, clients are charged for each additional folio at additionalFolioFee(Discount) rate.
chargeFrequency The indicator of how many months between when clients are charged the folio fee. In all cases, it is every 12 months, or annually.

Commission Fee Fields

Field Description
orderType The type of a trade.
“W” for window trade,
“D” for direct trade,
“L” for stop-limit trade, and
“A” for auto invest.
commission The amount clients are charged for each trade before the tradeCountThreshold is surpassed.
tradeCountThreshold The number of trades allowed before a commission will be assessed. This count is applied on a calendar month basis.
additionalCommission The commission charged for each additional trade after the tradeCountThreshold is surpassed.
buyCommission The commission charged for each buy trade before the buyTradeCountThreshold is surpassed.
buyTradeCountThreshold The number of buy trades allowed before a commission will be assessed. This count is applied on a calendar month basis.
additionalBuyCommission The commission charged for each additional buy trade after the buyTradeCountThreshold is surpassed.
sellCommission The commission charged for each sell trade before the sellTradeCountThreshold is surpassed.
sellTradeCountThreshold The number of sell trades allowed before a commission will be assessed. This count is applied on a calendar month basis.
additionalSellCommission The commission charged for each additional sell trade after the sellTradeCountThreshold is surpassed.

Response Example

Brokerage Billing

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Link: <>; rel="GET"; type="application/json"; title="getBillingPlan"
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:23:54 GMT

    "assetFeeTiers":[ {
    } ],
  "description":"Brokerage Fees",
  "name":"Brokerage Fees"

Platform Billing

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Link: <>; rel="GET"; type="application/json"; title="getBillingPlan"
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:23:54 GMT

  "billingPlanId" : "2222222222222222222",
  "billingType" : “P”,
  "description" : "Demo Plan",
  "folioFees" : {
    "additionalFolioFee" : "0.0",
    "additionalFolioFeeDiscount" : "0.0",
    "baseNumberOfFolios" : "99",
    "chargeFrequency" : "12",
    "folioFee" : "0.0",
    "folioFeeDiscount" : "0.0"
  "name" : "Demo Plan"

Advisory Billing

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Link: <>; rel="GET"; type="application/json"; title="getBillingPlan"
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:23:54 GMT

  "assetFees" : {
    "assetFeeTiers" : [ {
      "basisPoints" : "100.0",
      "maxAssetValue" : "500000",
      "minAssetValue" : "100000"
    }, {
      "basisPoints" : "75.0",
      "maxAssetValue" : "Infinity",
      "minAssetValue" : "500000"
    } ],
    "billingMode" : “A”,
    "billingPeriodType" : “M”,
    "billingPeriodValue" : "3",
    "tierType" : “M”
  "billingPlanId" : "333333333333333333333",
  "billingType" : “A”,
  "commissionFees" : [ {
    "commission" : "3.95",
    "orderType" : “D”
  }, {
    "commission" : "3.95",
    "orderType" : “L”
  } ],
  "description" : "First Plan",
  "name":"First Plan"

Getting Started

