Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Get a Corporate Action

This request returns a corporate action.

Request URL

Syntax GET /restapi/accounts/{accountNumber}/corporateactions/{notificationid}
Example URL

Response Data Fields

Field Description
activity Brief description of the corporate activity
companyWebsite Link to website of the company for this corporate action.
deadline Deadline for acting on the corporate action.
description Brief description of the corporate activity.
docs An array of additional available documents related to this corporate action. See detail below.
dutchAuction Link to Dutch auction document for this corporate action. (If applicable)
exchangeOffer Link to Exchange offer document for this corporate action. (If applicable)
financialReport Link to Annual Report for this company.
introText Text to display to the client related to this corporate action.
issuer Name of the company.
mergerElection Link to Merger Election document for this corporate action. (If applicable)
notifid Unique ID for this corporate action.
proxyStatement Link to proxy statement for this corporate action. (If applicable)
purchaseOffer Link to Purchase Offer document for this corporate action. (If applicable)
questions An array of questions related to this corporate action. See detail below.
rightsOffer Link to Rights offer document for this corporate action. (If applicable)
shares Number of shares available to vote/tender for this client.
status Status of this corporate action.
tenderOffer Link to Tender offer document for this corporate action. (If applicable)
ticker Ticker of the issuer.
type Type of corporate action: P- Proxy M- Mandatory V- Voluntary
warrentsOffer Link to Warrents Offer document for this corporate action. (If applicable)

Additional Documents Data Fields

Field Description
fileLocation Link to the document.
description Brief description of the document.

Questions Data Fields

Field Description
answer Vote, if client has already voted

answered Binary indicator of whether this question has been answered or not.
contested A binary indicator whether this corporate action is contested by company management.
sharesElected Number of shares elected, if client already voted for actionable Corporate Action(Only applicable for Actionable Corporate Action)
managementSuggestion Management recommendation for this question.
question Text of the question.
questionsId Unique ID of the question.
questionsType Type of question: C- Actionable Corporate Action such as Tender/Exchange offer. D- Vote for company Directors P- Proposed vote to shareholders S- Say on Pay
choices An array of the available directors for questionsType 'D'. See detail below.

Choices Data Fields

Field Description
choice Name of director candidate.
choiceId Sequential number identifying this director choice.
managementSuggestion Management recommendation for this candidate.
contested A binary indicator whether this question is contested by company management.
possibleChoiceAnswers An array of possible votes for Election of Directors.


Question type Answers
Say on Pay 0 - 1 year
1 - 2 year
2 - 3 year
3 - Abstain
Proposal 0 - For
1 - Against
2 - Abstain
Election of Directors 0 - For
1 - Against
2 - Abstain
3 - Withhold

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Link: <;; rel="PUT"; type="application/json"; title="getCorpAction"
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:23:54 GMT

  "activity" : "Annual Meeting 02/20/2017",
  "companyWebsite" : " ",
  "deadline" : "2016-11-28T00:00:00.000-05:00",
  "description" : "Annual Meeting 02/20/2017",
  "docs" :[]
  "financialReport" : "",
  "introText" : "The Annual Meeting will be held on 12/01/2016. When you're ready, make your decision below and click on the "Submit Vote" when you're finished. You must select a choice for each question in order to submit your ballot. Your decisions must be entered on our site by 11:59 p.m. EST on 11/28/2016.",
  "issuer" : "MYRIAD GENETICS INC",
  "notifid" : "1369094288662787788",
  "proxyStatement" : " ",
  "questions" :
     "answered" : false,
     "contested" : false,
     "managementSuggestion" : "For",
     "question" : "To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.",
     "questionsId" : "2305843011155897980",
     "questionsType" : "P"
     "answered" : "false",
     "choices" : [
        "choice" : "Yupeng Marcus",
        "choiceId" : "0",
        "managementSuggestion" : "0"
	    "choice" : "Hein Dressmann",
        "choiceId" : "1",
        "managementSuggestion" : "0"
     "contested" : false,
     "possibleChoiceAnswers": [
     "question" : "Election of two Class II Directors (or if any nominee is not available for election, such substitute as the Board of Directors may designate) for a three-year term.",
     "questionsId" : "3891110079990312570",
     "questionsType" : "D"
     "answered" : false,
     "contested" : false,
     "managementSuggestion" : "0",
     "question" : "To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers.",
     "questionsId" : "4395513238255808125",
     "questionsType" : "P"
     "answered" : false,
     "contested" : false,
     "managementSuggestion" : "0",
     "question" : "To approve a proposed amendment to the Company's 2010 Employee, Director and Consultant Equity Incentive Plan.",
     "questionsId" : "6557241059393646203",
     "questionsType" : "P"
  "shares" : "21.36967",
  "status" : "Attending Meeting",
  "ticker" : "MYGN",
  "type" : "P"

Change Log


  1. Added description field.


  1. Added answers table.


  1. New Documentation.

Getting Started

