Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Get All Corporate Action

This request returns all corporate action for a given account number.

Request URL

Syntax GET /restapi/accounts/{accountNumber}/corporateactions
Example URL

See Get a Corporate Action for response data fields.

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Link: <;; rel="PUT"; type="application/json"; title="getCorpAction"
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:23:54 GMT

  "activity" : "Annual Meeting 02/20/2017",
  "companyWebsite" : " ",
  "deadline" : "2016-11-28T00:00:00.000-05:00",
  "description" : "Annual Meeting 02/20/2017",
  "docs" :[]
  "financialReport" : "",
  "introText" : "The Annual Meeting will be held on 12/01/2016. When you're ready, make your decision below and click on the "Submit Vote" when you're finished. You must select a choice for each question in order to submit your ballot. Your decisions must be entered on our site by 11:59 p.m. EST on 11/28/2016.",
  "issuer" : "MYRIAD GENETICS INC",
  "notifid" : "1369094288662787788",
  "proxyStatement" : " ",
  "questions" :
     "answered" : false,
     "contested" : false,
     "managementSuggestion" : "For",
     "question" : "To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.",
     "questionsId" : "2305843011155897980",
     "questionsType" : "P"
     "answered" : "false",
     "choices" : [
        "choice" : "Marcus Kenie",
        "choiceId" : "0",
        "managementSuggestion" : "0"
	    "choice" : "Rickshaw run",
        "choiceId" : "1",
        "managementSuggestion" : "0"
     "contested" : false,
     "possibleChoiceAnswers": [
     "question" : "Election of two Class II Directors (or if any nominee is not available for election, such substitute as the Board of Directors may designate) for a three-year term.",
     "questionsId" : "3891110079990312570",
     "questionsType" : "D"
     "answered" : false,
     "contested" : false,
     "managementSuggestion" : "0",
     "question" : "To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers.",
     "questionsId" : "4395513238255808125",
     "questionsType" : "P"
     "answered" : false,
     "contested" : false,
     "managementSuggestion" : "0",
     "question" : "To approve a proposed amendment to the Company's 2010 Employee, Director and Consultant Equity Incentive Plan.",
     "questionsId" : "6557241059393646203",
     "questionsType" : "P"
  "shares" : "21.36967",
  "status" : "Attending Meeting",
  "ticker" : "MYGN",
  "type" : "P"
  "activity" : "Annual Meeting 02/20/2017",
  "companyWebsite" : " ",
  "deadline" : "2016-11-28T00:00:00.000-05:00",
  "docs" :[]
  "financialReport" : "",
  "introText" : "The Annual Meeting will be held on 12/01/2016. When you're ready, make your decision below and click on the "Submit Vote" when you're finished. You must select a choice for each question in order to submit your ballot. Your decisions must be entered on our site by 11:59 p.m. EST on 11/28/2016.",
  "issuer" : "MYRIAD GENETICS INC",
  "notifid" : "1369094288662787788",
  "proxyStatement" : " ",
  "questions" :
     "answered" : false,
     "contested" : false,
     "managementSuggestion" : "For",
     "question" : "To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.",
     "questionsId" : "2305843011155897980",
     "questionsType" : "P"
     "answered" : "false",
     "choices" : [
        "choice" : "Laura Tin",
        "choiceId" : "0",
        "managementSuggestion" : "0"
	    "choice" : "Peter Doan",
        "choiceId" : "1",
        "managementSuggestion" : "0"
     "contested" : false,
     "possibleChoiceAnswers": [
     "question" : "Election of two Class II Directors (or if any nominee is not available for election, such substitute as the Board of Directors may designate) for a three-year term.",
     "questionsId" : "3891110079990312570",
     "questionsType" : "D"
     "answered" : false,
     "contested" : false,
     "managementSuggestion" : "0",
     "question" : "To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers.",
     "questionsId" : "4395513238255808125",
     "questionsType" : "P"
     "answered" : false,
     "contested" : false,
     "managementSuggestion" : "0",
     "question" : "To approve a proposed amendment to the Company's 2010 Employee, Director and Consultant Equity Incentive Plan.",
     "questionsId" : "6557241059393646203",
     "questionsType" : "P"
  "shares" : "21.36967",
  "status" : "Attending Meeting",
  "ticker" : "MYGN",
  "type" : "P"

Change Log


  1. Added description field.


  1. Added possibleChoiceAnswers field.


  1. New Documentation.

Getting Started

