Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Get Folio Positions

This request returns the position information for a folio in a brokerage account.

Request URL

Syntax GET /restapi/accounts/{accountnumber}/folios/{folionumber}/positions
Example URL

Response Data Fields

This request returns the list of positions held in a folio. The following table describes the fields for each position.

Field Description
accountNumber The account number for the account to which the folio belongs.
security Security information. See Get a Security for the explanation for the data fields of security object.
shareQuantity The quantity of shares for the security.
restrictedShareQuantity The quantity of shares under restriction that disallows the security from being moved or sold.
targetWeight The target weight of the security. See Folio Weights to learn more about target weight.
currentWeight The current weight of the security. See Folio Weights to learn more about current weight.
folioNumber The folio number for the folio that holds the security.

Response Example

Status Code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 19:08:26 GMT
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5

    "accountNumber": "RA1234ABCD",
    "security": {
      "ticker": "ADX",
      "companyName": "ADAMS EXPRESS CO",
      "instrumentType": "MUTFUND",
      "windowBuyable": true,
      "directBuyable": true,
      "settlementPeriod": "2"
    "shareQuantity": "600.00000",
    "restrictedShareQuantity": "0.00000",
    "targetWeight": "8.40",
    "currentWeight": "8.45",
    "folioNumber": "RA1234ABCD03"
    "accountNumber": "RA1234ABCD",
    "security": {
      "ticker": "AAPL",
      "companyName": "APPLE INC COM",
      "instrumentType": "COMSTOCK",
      "windowBuyable": true,
      "directBuyable": true,
      "settlementPeriod": "2"
    "shareQuantity": "18.49411",
    "restrictedShareQuantity": "0.00000",
    "targetWeight": "10.54",
    "currentWeight": "10.03",
    "folioNumber": "RA1234ABCD03"

Getting Started

