Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Get Overnight Check Deposit Instructions

This request returns the mailing information for clients to mail paper checks to deposit into their taxable brokerage account or IRA by express mail services such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS Express Mail.

Please note our policies for acceptable checks.

Note: There are numerous restrictions related to deposits into different types of brokerage accounts based upon account and user characteristics (e.g., no contributions into a beneficiary IRA or any IRA when the account owner is over 70½ years old, etc.) which will be checked when sent through this API and or when the funds are received at Folio. Learn more in the Folio Institutional Help Center.

Request URL

Syntax GET /restapi/accounts/{accountnumber}/cashtransfers/expresscheckinstructions
Example URL

Response Data Fields

Field Description
accountNumber The identifier of the account that is going to be funded by the check.
address The address to which the check should be sent.
payableTo The entity to which that the check should be payable.
contributionYear Optional. For IRA account types, note the tax year for the contribution.

Response Example

Non-Taxable Account

Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:18:13 GMT
  "accountNumber" : "RA1234ABCD",
  "address" : {
    "city" : "McLean",
    "country" : "US",
    "line1" : "Folio Investments, Inc.",
    "line2" : "Attn:  Cash Management",
    "line3" : "8180 Greensboro Drive, 8th Floor",
    "state" : "VA",
    "zipcode" : "22102"
  "contributionYear" : "2014",
  "payableTo" : "Folio Investments, Inc."

Taxable Account

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:18:13 GMT
  "accountNumber" : "RA1234ABCD",
  "address" : {
    "city" : "McLean",
    "country" : "US",
    "line1" : "Folio Investments, Inc.",
    "line2" : "Attn:  Cash Management",
    "line3" : "8180 Greensboro Drive, 8th Floor",
    "state" : "VA",
    "zipcode" : "22102"
  "payableTo" : "Folio Investments, Inc."

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  1. Added Change Log

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