Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.
Get a Member
Please contact the Goldman Sachs Advisor Solutions Integrations Team at to request the most recent documentation for Create, Update & Get a Member, Firm and Account, which has significant and required changes from the information below.
This request returns the profile information of a member.
Request URL
Syntax | GET /restapi/members/{loginId} |
Example URL | |
Response Data Fields
Please refer to Create a Member for the format and available values for each field.
Field | Description |
accreditedInvestorAnnualIncome | A binary indicator whether the member is accredited for private placement based on the annual income criterion. |
accreditedInvestorNetWorth | A binary indicator whether the member is accredited for private placement based on the net worth criterion. |
annualIncome | Annual income range. |
cipStatus | The Customer Identification Program (CIP) verification result of the member. The value could be either 'PASSED', 'FAILED' or 'PENDING_NEW'. See here about how to reverify the member. The PENDING status is returned after using asynchronous member creation while still awaiting a verification response. |
citizenship | The citizenship of the member. |
creationDate | Timestamp when the member was created. |
dateOfBirth | The member's date of birth. |
dayTelephone | The daytime phone number. |
dependentCount | The number of dependents that a member indicated (e.g., children, non-working spouse, etc.). |
directorOrTenPercentShareholder | A binary indicator whether the member is a director or 10% shareholder at a publicly-traded company. |
directorOrTenPercentShareholderCompany |
A comma separated string of exchange listed publicly traded security tickers. Tickers specified here are set up as security level exclusions for accounts of the member. |
email1 | The primary email address of the member. |
email2 | The secondary email address of the member. |
employerAddress | The address of the employer. |
employerName | The name of the employer. |
employmentStatus | The employment status of the member. |
eveningTelephone | The evening phone number. |
finraAffiliated | A binary indicator whether the member is employed by or associated with a FINRA-registered company. |
finraCompany | The company the member is affiliated with. |
firmOid | A unique ID for the member’s firm. This field is a long type numeric value generated by the Folio REST service when the member is initially created. This field will not change. |
firstName | The first name of the member. |
primaryAddress | The primary address of the member. |
lastName | The last name of the member. |
liquidNetWorth | Liquid net worth range. |
loginId | The username of the requested member. |
mailingAddress | The mailing address of the member. |
memberOid | A unique ID for the member. This field is a long type numeric value generated by the Folio REST service when the member is initially created. This field will not change. |
memberProfileItems | The profile for the member. |
membershipType | The membership type of the member. |
middleName | The middle name of the member. |
netWorth | Net worth range. |
occupationType | The occupation type of the member. |
partnerCode | Partner code for the member. This field is a string value assigned according to the firm that the member belongs to. |
previousExperienceSector | Industrial sector of private placement if previousPrivatePlacementExperience is "true". |
previousPrivatePlacementExperience | A binary indicator whether the member has previous experience in private placement. |
residenceCountry | The country in which the member lives. |
suffix | The suffix of the name of the member. |
tid |
The last 4 digits or the full text of the social security number (SSN) or tax identification number (TIN/TID) of the member. In the rare case that there is a need for a firm to receive the full TID and such firm is permissioned by Folio to receive this data, the response to this call will return the full TID for the member. |
title | The title of the member. |
transState | Membership state.RM - Real MembershipEM - Expired MembershipCM - Closed MembershipTM - Temporary Membership |
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Link: <>; rel="PUT"; type="application/json"; title="updateMember"
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:23:54 GMT
"accreditedInvestorAnnualIncome" : true,
"accreditedInvestorNetWorth" : false,
"advisorLoginId" : "advisorId",
"annualIncome" : "7",
"citizenship" : "C",
"creationDate" : "2016-08-22T00:00:00.000-05:00",
"dateOfBirth" : "1973-08-22T00:00:00.000-05:00",
"dayTelephone" : "7897897891",
"dependentCount" : "0",
"directorOrTenPercentShareholder" : true,
"directorOrTenPercentShareholderCompany" : [ "TICKER" ],
"email1" : "",
"email2" : "",
"employerAddress" : {
"city" : "city",
"country" : "US",
"line1" : "employer address 1",
"state" : "VA",
"zipcode" : "12345"
"employerName" : "folio",
"employmentStatus" : "Employed",
"eveningTelephone" : "7897897890",
"finraAffiliated" : true,
"firmOid" : "4467570830362141032",
"finraCompany" : "ABC",
"firstName" : "John",
"primaryAddress" : {
"city" : "city",
"country" : "US",
"line1" : "home address 1",
"state" : "VA",
"zipcode" : "12345"
"lastName" : "Doe",
"liquidNetWorth" : "7",
"loginId" : "testusername",
"mailingAddress" : {
"city" : "city",
"country" : "US",
"line1" : "mailing address 1",
"state" : "VA",
"zipcode" : "12345"
"memberOid" : "123123123123123123",
"memberProfileItems" : {
"topMarginalTaxBracket" : "1",
"maritalStatus" : "P"
"membershipType" : "N",
"occupationType" : "engineering",
"partnerCode" : "TESTCLIENT",
"previousExperienceSector" : "BAN",
"previousPrivatePlacementExperience" : true,
"residenceCountry" : "US",
"tid" : "xxxxx3432",
"transState" : "RM"
Change Log
- Added 'firmOid' field.
- Added 'transState' field.
- Updated 'cipStatus' field possible responses to include PENDING_NEW
- Add 'creationDate' field.
- Add 'cipStatus' field.