Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Get a Model

This request returns the information for a specific model to which folios in member’s brokerage accounts can be subscribed.

Request URL

Syntax GET /restapi/models/{foliooid}
Example URL

Response Data Fields

Field Description
URL HTTP address of more info on the model manager.
benchmarkItem The model’s benchmark benchmark. Can be a ticker symbol or an index symbol. Optional. Custom benchmarks are not supported by the REST API at this time.
cashSecurity Security used in the folio as the cash equivalent. 43440 is FDIC.CASH
description The description of the model.
firmName The firm name that manages the model.
folioName The name of the model folio.
folioNumber The folio number.
folioOid The unique identifier of the model folio.
iaFirstName The first name of the advisor that creates the model.
iaLastName The last name of the advisor that creates the model.
longName The longer version of the name of the model.
modelOid The unique identifier of the model.
programOid The unique identifier of the program.
style The style of a model. See Model Style Codes for detail.
targetWeights The securities’ new target allocation percentages in the model.

For each security, returns: current weight, target weight and ticker symbol.

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 19:19:19 GMT
  "URL" : "",
  "benchmarkItem" : "IYY "
  "cashSecurity" : "43440",
  "description" : "",
  "firmName" : "API Sample Firm",
  "folioName" : "Bank Model",
  "folioNumber" : "9A1234ABCD0M",
  "folioOid" : "3535353535353535353",
  "iaFirstName" : "FirstName ",
  "iaLastName" : "LastName ",
  "longName" : "Equity Bank Model",
  "modelOid" : "63636363636363636363",
  "programOid" : [ "4444444444444444444" ],
  "style" : "LG",
  "targetWeights" : [ {
    "currentWeight" : "50.00",
    "targetWeight" : "50.60",
    "ticker" : "BAC"
  }, {
    "currentWeight" : "46.65",
    "targetWeight" : "46.05",
    "ticker" : "C"
  }, {
    "currentWeight" : "2.85",
    "targetWeight" : "2.85",
    "ticker" : "WF"
  }, {
    "currentWeight" : "0.50",
    "targetWeight" : "0.50",
    "ticker" : "FDIC.CASH"
  } ]


The request is made using the folioOid of the model.

Change Log


  1. Updated Request URL Syntax
  2. Updated Response Data Fields
  3. Added Notes Section


  1. Updated Response Example


  1. Added Change Log


  1. Added new field benchmarkItem to response

Getting Started

