Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Get a Private Placement Offer

This request returns the information for a specific offer. Your firm must be either the creator firm or a participating firm in order to access an offer.

Request URL

Syntax GET /restapi/privateplacementoffers/{privateplacementofferoid}
Example URL

Response Data Fields

Field Description

The list of states this offer is available for purchase within, as indicated by the issuer. Dependent upon the exemption, Folio allows those investors not residing in one of the indicated states to submit a subscription as the issuer may be able to accept the investor under a de minimus allowance.

Note: If exemption is “C” – Rule 147(Intrastate Offering), only investors residing in the same state (based upon Primary Address state) as the issuer are able to submit subscriptions.

clientsHaveAccess A Boolean indicator of whether the issuer and/or investment firm has indicated the offer is available to be displayed to clients (“true”) or only to investment professionals (“false”).
closingDate The expiration date of the offer. No new subscriptions may be submitted once the offer expiration date is passed.

The accreditation criteria for Corporate investors to be eligible to invest to the offer.

Please refer to Corporate Accreditation Setting Code for available codes.

creatingFirmOid The unique identifier for the firm that created the offer.
creatingFirmRepresentativeOid The unique identifier of the member who represents the offer creating firm.
creatingMemberOid The unique identifier for the member who created the offer.
creationTimestamp The time when the offer was created. Follows ISO-8601 formatting.

The days before the offer expiration date until which cash is required. After the date that cash is required (cash lock date), the locked amount of cash cannot be used for other trading. For example, if the expiration date is 12/01/2013 and daysFromClosingCashIsRequired is 0, the account for which the private placement order was placed should have enough balance to buy the requested private placement shares until the beginning of the expiration date. If the value is 999, cash is required at the time of subscription.

The offer may not be executed prior to this date.

deliveryMethod The method by which the issuer will deliver shares to its clearing broker dealer. Please refer to Delivery Method Code for available codes.

A Boolean indicator whether the offer documentation is available through the Folio platform, or is being provided separately to the investors by the issuer: “true” or “false”.

If “true”, a list of the available documents may be retrieved using the Get a Document List request.


The condition when the offer can be executed. If execution type is “ALL_OR_NONE”, offer can be executed only when the total approved subscription amount is equal to offer size. If execution type is “PART_OR_NONE”, offer can be executed only after the total approved subscription amount is equal to or greater than offerMinimum. If execution type is “BEST_EFFORTS”, offer can be executed any time.

Please refer to Offer Execution Type Code for available codes.


The exemption or exclusion claimed that the offer relies on to raise funds without SEC registration. The exemption selected will impact the availability of the offer to investors.

Please refer to Private Placement Exemption Rules for available codes.


Industry of the issuer.

Please refer to Industry Sector Code for available codes.

iraApproved A Boolean indicator whether the offer was approved to allow IRA accounts. This value currently cannot be set via REST API and is “false” by default.

Size of the issuer in terms of revenue or aggregate net asset value.

Please refer to Issuer Size Code for available codes.

issuingFirmOid A unique identifier for the issuing firm.
issuingRepresentativeOid A unique identifier for the selected representative of the issuing firm.
maximumInvestmentAmount The maximum investment amount per investor.

The minimum annual income range of investors to be eligible to the offer.

Please refer to Annual Income Range Code for available codes.

minimumInvestmentAmount The minimum investment amount per investor. The minimum investment amount cannot be less than $0.01.

The minimum liquid net worth range of investors to be eligible to the offer.

Please refer to Liquid Net Worth Range Code for available codes.


The minimum net worth range of investors to be eligible to the offer.

Please refer to Net Worth Range Code for available codes.

modificationTimestamp The time when the offer was updated. Follows ISO-8601 formatting.

The accreditation criteria for individual investors to be eligible to invest to the offer.

Please refer to Accreditation Setting Code for available codes.

offerMinimum The minimum value of accepted subscriptions that must be met in order for the offer to be executed by the issuer.
offerName The name of the private placement offer as it will be displayed to investors in their holdings and monthly statements.
offerSize The offer size. Total amount of approved subscriptions must be less than or equal to offerSize; oversubscriptions are not supported currently.

Offer status.

Please refer to Private Placement Offer Status for available codes.

participatingFirms.participatingFirmId The firm ID of a participating firm. The ID must be provided by the participating firm to the offer creating firm.

The status of a participating firm after it has been added to an offer. The value of participatingFirmStatus must be always “A” during offer creation. Once the offer is created, the status changes to “P”.

Please refer to Participating Firm Status Code for available codes.

physicalSignatureRequired A Boolean indicator whether a physical signature is required instead of e-signature to sign the required documents: “true” or “false”.

Requirement for previous experience of private placement of investors.

Please refer to Previous Experience Setting for available codes.


The amount of price reduction applied to orders from customers of RIA’s.

privatePlacementOfferOid The unique identifier of the private placement offer.
published A Boolean indicator of whether the offer was published or not. “true” or “false”.
publishedDate The publishing date of the offer. Follows ISO-8601 formatting.
security Security information. See Security.

The type of security.

Please refer to Security Type Code for available codes.


Field Description
security.ticker The ticker of the private placement offer.
security.cusip The CUSIP placeholder of the private placement offer.
security.companyName The same as the offerName for the private placement offer.
security.windowBuyable A Boolean indicator whether this security is window tradable. For private placement, the value is always “false”. windowBuyable is for the intent of preventing a private placement security from being purchased through the folio order process.
security.directBuyable A binary indicator whether this security is direct tradable. For private placement, the value is always “false”. directBuyable is for the intent of preventing a private placement security from being purchased through the folio order process.
security.settlementPeriod The number of days in which cash settles for buys. Currently it is one day for private placement.
security.previousClosingPrice The price on the previous day. Currently price for private security does not change.
instrumentType The security type within our processing engine. All private placement securities are set to “COMSTOCK”.

Response Example

Status Code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 13:29:40 GMT
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5

  "blueSkyedStates" : [ "VA", "CA" ],
  "clientsHaveAccess" : true,
  "closingDate" : "2014-03-09T00:00:00.000-05:00",
  "corporateAccreditationSetting" : “C”,
  "creatingFirmOid" : "4467570830362141032",
  "creatingFirmRepresentativeOid" : "1729382258151666074",
  "creatingMemberOid" : "1729382258151666074",
  "creationTimestamp" : "2014-03-07T14:22:55.563-05:00",
  "daysFromClosingCashIsRequired" : "0",
  "deliveryMethod" : "DVPRVP",
  "documentationExternal" : true,
  "executionType" : “A”,
  "exemption" : "D",
  "industry" : "AGR",
  "iraApproved" : false,
  "issuerSize" : "B",
  "issuingFirmOid" : "2882303762409640972",
  "issuingFirmRepresentativeOid" : "3098476544523424777",
  "maximumInvestmentAmount" : "100000",
  "minimumAnnualIncomeRange" : "1",
  "minimumInvestmentAmount" : "1",
  "minimumLiquidNetWorthRange" : "1",
  "minimumNetWorthRange" : "1",
  "modificationTimestamp" : "2014-03-07T17:09:44.845-05:00",
  "naturalPersonaAccreditationSetting" : "C",
  "offerMinimum" : "1000000.00",
  "offerName" : "PRIV.Z7827 Private REST Endpoint Test",
  "offerSize" : "1000000.0",
  "offerStatus" : "I",
   "participatingFirms" : [ {
        "participatingFirmId" : "POWERINVESTING",
        "participatingFirmStatus" : “A”
   }, {
        "participatingFirmId" : "SMARTINVESTING",
        "participatingFirmStatus" : "D"
   } ],
  "physicalSignatureRequired" : false,
  "previousExperienceSetting" : "N",
  "priceDiscountAmount" : "0.2",
  "privatePlacementOfferOid" : "6629298651489370598",
  "published" : true,
  "publishedDate" : "2014-03-07T00:00:00.000-05:00",
  "security" : {
    "companyName" : "PRIV.Z7827 Private REST Endpoint Test",
    "cusip" : "FPPPPP127",
    "directBuyable" : false,
    "instrumentType" : "COMSTOCK",
    "previousClosingPrice" : "1",
    "settlementPeriod" : "1",
    "ticker" : "PRIV.Z7827",
    "windowBuyable" : false
  "securityType" : "E"

Change Log


  1. Added new field priceDiscountAmount and deliveryMethod


  1. Updated Response Data Fields


  1. Updated Example URL


  1. Added Change Log

Getting Started

