Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Subscribe to a Model

This request subscribes a folio to a model so that when the model is updated by a model manager the updated securities and percentage weights in the model will be transmitted to the target folio weights and trades generated in the member’s folio in their brokerage accounts, based upon the subscription type and exclusion rule settings described below. See Get All Programs for how to get a list of existing models.

Request URL

Syntax PUT /resatpi/accounts/{accountnumber}/folios/{folionumber}/modelsubscription
Example URL

Request Data Fields

Field Description
accountNumber The identifier of the account that the folio belongs to.
folioNumber The identifier of the folio that is going to be subscribed to a model.
modelFolioOid The folio OID of the model.
programOid The identifier of the program.
subscriptionType Indicates subscription type.
“A” for automatic,
“R” for review/release,
“F” for review/release if filter encountered,
“D” for on demand.
Learn more about how this works in the Help Center.
exclusionRule Indicates the rule for security exclusions.
“A” for automatic exclusion,
“N” for none.
Learn more about how this works in the Help Center.
folioName The name of the folio that is going to be updated.

Request Example

PUT /restapi/accounts/RA1234ABCD/folios/RA1234ABCD03/modelsubscription HTTP/1.1
  "accountNumber" : "RA1234ABCD",
  "exclusionRule" : "A",
  "folioNumber" : "RA1234ABCD03",
  "modelFolioOid" : "33333333333333333",
  "programOid" : "7777777777777777",
  "subscriptionType" : "A"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sat, 05 July 2014 17:51:06 GMT

Getting Started

