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Folio Service Codes and Rules

Field Codes

Model Style Codes

Code Description
IN International
LC Large-Cap Core-Blend
LG Large-Cap Growth
LV Large-Cap Value
MC Mid-Cap Core-Blend
MG Mid-Cap Growth
MV Mid-Cap Value
NC Not Classified
SC Small-Cap Core-Blend
SG Small-Cap Growth
SV Small-Cap Value
SR Sector Rotator

Model Benchmark Codes

Benchmark Ticker Description
^DJCBTI Dow Jones CBOT Weighted Treasury
DJCBP Dow Jones Corporate Bond (Price Return)
^DJCBT Dow Jones Corporate Bond (Total Return)
^DJCSIN10 Dow Jones Credit Suisse 10-Year Inflation Breakeven Index
^CORHI Dow Jones Credit Suisse Core Hedge Fund Index (Total Return)
DWDV Dow Jones Developed Markets Total Stock Market (Price Return)
^DWDVT Dow Jones Developed Markets Total Stock Market (Total Return)
DWDX Dow Jones Developed Markets ex-U.S. Total Stock Market (Price Return)
^DWDXT Dow Jones Developed Markets ex-U.S. Total Stock Market (Total Return)
P100GLB Dow Jones Global Aggressive (Price Return)
P20GLB Dow Jones Global Conservative (Price Return)
^P80GLB Dow Jones Global Mod Aggressive (Price Return)
^P40GLB Dow Jones Global Mod Conservative (Price Return)
P60GLB Dow Jones Global Moderate (Price Return)
DJGSD Dow Jones Global Select Dividend (Price Return)
^DJGSDT Dow Jones Global Select Dividend (Total Return)
^DJI Dow Jones Industrial Average (Price Return)
^DJITR Dow Jones Industrial Average (Total Return)
^DJT Dow Jones Transports (Price Return)
^DJTTR Dow Jones Transports (Total Return)
^P100US Dow Jones U.S. Aggressive (Price Return)
DJUSBM Dow Jones U.S. Basic Materials (Price Return)
^DJUSBMT Dow Jones U.S. Basic Materials (Total Return)
^P20US Dow Jones U.S. Conservative (Price Return)
DJUSCY Dow Jones U.S. Consumer Goods (Price Return)
^DJUSCYT Dow Jones U.S. Consumer Goods (Total Return)
DJUSNC Dow Jones U.S. Consumer Services (Price Return)
^DJUSNCT Dow Jones U.S. Consumer Services (Total Return)
DJUSFN Dow Jones U.S. Financials (Price Return)
^DJUSFNT Dow Jones U.S. Financials (Total Return)
DJUSHC Dow Jones U.S. Health Care (Price Return)
^DJUSHCT Dow Jones U.S. Health Care (Total Return)
DJUSIN Dow Jones U.S. Industrials (Price Return)
^DJUSINT Dow Jones U.S. Industrials (Total Return)
^P80US Dow Jones U.S. Mod Aggressive (Price Return)
^P40US Dow Jones U.S. Mod Conservative (Price Return)
^P60US Dow Jones U.S. Moderate (Price Return)
DJUSEN Dow Jones U.S. Oil & Gas (Price Return)
^DJUSENT Dow Jones U.S. Oil & Gas (Total Return)
^DJDVP Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend (Price Return)
^DJDVY Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend (Total Return)
^DWRTF Dow Jones U.S. Select REIT (Price Return)
^DWRTFT Dow Jones U.S. Select REIT (Total Return)
DJUSTC Dow Jones U.S. Technology (Price Return)
^DJUSTCT Dow Jones U.S. Technology (Total Return)
DJUSTL Dow Jones U.S. Telecommunications (Price Return)
^DJUSTLT Dow Jones U.S. Telecommunications (Total Return)
DJUSUT Dow Jones U.S. Utilities (Price Return)
^DJUSUTT Dow Jones U.S. Utilities (Total Return)
AXTEN NYSE 10 Year Treasury
^AXTWO NYSE 2 Year Treasury
^AXTHR NYSE 30 Year Treasury
^AXFIV NYSE 5 Year Treasury
^NDX Nasdaq 100 (Price Return)
^XNDX Nasdaq 100 (Total Return)
^COMPX Nasdaq Composite (Price Return)
^XCMP Nasdaq Composite (Total Return)
MUNI PIMCO Intermediate Municipal Bond ETF
^RAFILC RAFI Fundamental Large Core (Price Return)
^RAFILCTR RAFI Fundamental Large Core (Total Return)
^RUI Russell 1000 (Price Return)
^RUITR Russell 1000 (Total Return)
^RLG Russell 1000 Growth (Price Return)
^RLGTR Russell 1000 Growth (Total Return)
^RLV Russell 1000 Value (Price Return)
^RLVTR Russell 1000 Value (Total Return)
^RUT Russell 2000 (Price Return)
^RUTTR Russell 2000 (Total Return)
^RUO Russell 2000 Growth (Price Return)
^RUOTR Russell 2000 Growth (Total Return)
^RUJ Russell 2000 Value (Price Return)
^RUJTR Russell 2000 Value (Total Return)
^RUA Russell 3000 (Price Return)
^RUATR Russell 3000 (Total Return)
^RMCC Russell Mid Cap (Price Return)
^RMCCTR Russell Mid Cap (Total Return)
^RMCCG Russell Mid Cap Growth (Price Return)
^RMCCGTR Russell Mid Cap Growth (Total Return)
^RMCCV Russell Mid Cap Value (Price Return)
^RMCCVTR Russell Mid Cap Value (Total Return)
^OE S&P 100 (Price Return)
^MID S&P 400 (Price Return)
^IN S&P 500 (Price Return)
^PXT S&P 500 (Total Return)
^SPC S&P 600 Small Cap (Price Return)
^SPA S&P ADR (Price Return)
LAG SPDR Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond ETF
^W5000 Wilshire 5000 (Price Return)
^W5000FLT Wilshire 5000 (Total Return)

Folio Service Rule Error Code

Code Description

Change Log


  1. Added Russell 3000 Benchmarks


  1. Added Change Log

Getting Started

