Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.
Member Service Codes and Rules
Field Codes
Rules and Error Codes
Title Options
The title field is case insensitive.
Code |
“Dr.” |
“Ms.” |
“Miss” |
“Mr.” |
“Mrs.” |
Suffix Options
The suffix field is case insensitive.
Code |
“Jr.” |
“Sr.” |
“II” |
“III” |
“IV” |
Marital Status
Code |
Description |
“S” |
Single |
“M” |
Married |
“P” |
Domestic Partner |
“D” |
Divorced |
“W” |
Widowed |
“C” |
Civil Union |
Top Marginal Tax Bracket
Code |
Tax Bracket Range |
1 |
0%–15% |
2 |
16%–25% |
3 |
26%–30% |
4 |
31%–35% |
5 |
over 35% |
Employment Status
Code |
“Employed” |
“Self-Employed” |
“Retired” |
“Student” |
“Unemployed” |
“Other” |
Occupation Types
The occupation field is case insensitive.
Code |
“Administrative” |
“Business Owner” |
“Consulting” |
“Creative” |
“Education” |
“Engineering” |
“Finance” |
“Health Care” |
“Homemaker” |
“Information Systems” |
“Legal” |
“Management” |
“Marketing” |
“Operations” |
“Other/Not Specified” |
“Sales” |
“Service” |
“Training” |
Member Field Error Codes
Code |
Description | |
invalid.citizenship |
invalid.zipcode |
invalid.ssn |
invalid.choice |
invalid.statecode |
invalid.value |
Member Business Rule and Associated Error Code
Code |
Description |
member.unique.ssn.rule |
There are too many clients with the same SSN created under the Institutional Advisor firm./There are too many clients with the same SSN created on Folio Investing platform. | |
The username/loginid has to be unique. See ‘Check Username Availability’ endpoint about how to check. |
member.riskwise.rule |
The client fails Riskwise(KYC) validation. | |
The client is too young to invest in the home state specified. | |
The tickers listed in directorOrTenPercentShareholderCompany field might not be valid. | |
PO Box is prohibited in the primary address object. |
member.accreditation.annual.income.rule |
Accreditation annual income must be at least $200,001 or above, when specified. |
member.accreditation.netWorth.rule |
Accreditation net worth must be at least $1,000,001 or above, when specified. |
member.partner.code.rule |
Partnercode and promotioncode specified for retail member is invalid. | |
There is already one managed clients managed by the specific advisor. |
Accreditation Verification Rule Error Code
Code |
Description |
invalid.accreditation.verification.sublevel |
invalid.accreditation.verification.method |
| |
accreditation.verification.parent.level.invalid.choice |
accreditation.verification.sub.level.invalid.choice |