Depending on applicable regulations or business limitations, specific API requests may not be available for your use.

Update a Member

Please contact the Goldman Sachs Advisor Solutions Integrations Team at to request the most recent documentation for Create, Update & Get a Member, Firm and Account, which has significant and required changes from the information below.

This request updates the member information for an individual. Certain personal information is not updateable by API (i.e., username, member name, SSN, and DOB), so the table below contains only those fields that are updateable.

Note: You must establish processes to ensure that all member and account profile information, including but not limited to physical mailing address(es), email address, phone number(s), financial and employment data, and all other personal information, is accurate and complete, and that you update the Folio system with all changes when they are received by your Firm. Folio cannot accept any client email address or phone number with the same domain name or phone number that is associated with your Firm, unless that account is owned by your Firm.

Request URL

Syntax PUT /restapi/members/{loginid}
Example URL

Request Data Fields

All the fields that are not listed here are not updateable.

Field Description

The primary email address of the member. This field must be a well-formed email address. (i.e. We ask that you have the user enter this field twice and ensure that both entries match.

User text:

A valid email address is required for all customers.
email2 The secondary email address of the member. If supplied, this field must be well-formed email address. (i.e.

The primary address of the member. This must be a U.S. street address, no P.O. Boxes or non-U.S. addresses accepted. See Address Fields for the format of each address field. Use the name ?Primary Address? on client applications.

User text:

(U.S. street addresses only; no P.O. Boxes)

The mailing address of the member. See Address Fields. Use the name ?Mailing Address? on client applications.

User text:

(P.O. Boxes allowed)

The evening phone number. The length should be between 10 and 14 digits.

User text:

Enter numbers only. For extensions, add the extension number to the end (ex. 70324540001234).

The daytime phone number. The length should be between 10 and 14 digits.

User text:

Enter numbers only. For extensions, add the extension number to the end (ex. 70324540001234).
employmentStatus The employment status of the member. See Employment Status Codes for available options.
occupationType The occupation type of the member. See Occupation Codes for available options.
employerName The name of the employer. The length should be between 1 and 45.
employerAddress The address of the employer. See Address Fields.

A binary indicator of whether the member is employed by or associated with a FINRA-registered company. ?true? or ?false?.

User text:

Are you, your spouse, or any other immediate family members, including parents, in-laws, and siblings that are dependents, employed by or associated with the securities industry (for example, investment advisor, sole proprietor, partner, officer, director, branch manager, or broker at a broker-dealer firm or municipal securities dealer) or a financial regulatory agency, such as FINRA or the New York Stock Exchange? If yes, and if this entity requires that you obtain its approval for you to open this account, please select Yes below:

Additional text for use if ?true?:

FINRA Affiliation
You have indicated a FINRA affiliation that requires us to restrict your account until the employer of the FINRA affiliated person approves.

Please download, complete and send us the Compliance Officer Form to unrestrict the account.

finraCompany The company the member is affiliated with. Letters, digits, special characters, or spaces are allowed. The length should be between 1 and 45.

A binary indicator of whether member is a director or 10% shareholder at a publicly-traded company. ?true? or ?false?.

User text:

Are you or someone in your household or immediate family a 10% shareholder, policymaking officer or member of the board of directors of a publicly traded company?

Additional text for use if ?true?:

Enter trading symbols:

A comma separated string of exchange listed publicly traded security tickers. Letters, digits, and dot are allowed (e.g., GOOG.C).

Tickers specified here will be added to the security level exclusions for accounts of the member.


A binary indicator of whether the member is accredited for private placements based on the net worth criterion. ?true? or ?false?.

User text:

Are you an individual whose individual net worth, or joint net worth with your spouse, exceeds $1,000,000, excluding the value of your primary residence?

A binary indicator of whether the member is accredited for private placements based on the annual income criterion. ?true? or ?false?.

User text:

Have you had individual income in excess of $200,000 in each of the most recent 2 years or joint income with your spouse in excess of $300,000 in each of the same years, and do you reasonably expect to reach the same income level in the current year?
previousPrivatePlacementExperience A binary indicator of whether the member has previous experience in private placements. ?true? or ?false?.

Industrial sector of private placement if previousPrivatePlacementExperience is ?true?. See Industry Sector Codes for available codes.

User text:

Have you had previous experience investing in private placements?

Additional text for use if ?true?:

If yes, please indicate the industries and sectors you have participated in:
annualIncome Annual income range. See Annual Income Ranges for available codes.
netWorth Net worth range. See Net Worth Ranges for available codes. Provide users the text definition of net worth provided here: How is total net worth calculated?
liquidNetWorth Liquid net worth range. See Liquid Net Worth Ranges for available codes. Provide users the text definition of liquid net worth provided here: How is liquid net worth calculated?
citizenship The citizenship of the member. We only allow U.S. citizen and resident alien members. The available values are ?C? for a U.S. citizen and ?R? for a resident alien. The following user text may be displayed to explain this: How do you define a U.S. person?
residenceCountry The 2 letter code of the country in which the member lives. Must follow ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 formatting.
dependentCount The number of dependents that a member indicated (e.g., children, non-working spouse, etc.).

Request Example

PUT /restapi/members/testusername HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "accreditedInvestorAnnualIncome" : false,
  "citizenship" : "R",
  "dayTelephone" : "7897897891",
  "dependentCount" : 2,
  "email1" : "",
  "email2" : "",
  "employmentStatus" : "Student",
  "eveningTelephone" : "7897897890",
  "primaryAddress" : {
    "line1" : "update home address 1",
    "state" : "FL"
  "loginId" : "testusername",
  "mailingAddress" : {
    "city" : "city",
    "country" : "US",
    "line1" : "mailing address 1",
    "state" : "VA",
    "zipcode" : "21232"
  "memberProfileItems" : {
    "topMarginalTaxBracket" : "1",
    "maritalStatus" : "P"
  "previousExperienceSector" : "BAN",
  "previousPrivatePlacementExperience" : true,
  "residenceCountry" : "GR"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Server: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
Link: <>; rel="GET"; type="application/json"; title="getMember"
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Length: 0
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:34:13 GMT

Change Log


  1. Added Note Section

Getting Started

